Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Arrival in New York

May 9:  It was a long day.  We departed Cape May 6:30 AM.  Our entrance into the Atlantic Ocean was more dramatic than predicted.  Weather forecast was 5 to 10 knot winds at seas 2 to 3 feet.  We forgot the traditional Delivery Captains Rule of “add 5 knots to Wind Speed and at least 1 foot to Wave Height” … and that's exactly what we got, “more” than predicted.  We had to crab our way about 5 miles south of Cape May into deeper water before we could turn North.  The first 2 hours were very unpleasant – a couple cabinet doors and drawers flew open and contents end up on the floor – later, everything settled as predicted by NOAA.  After a while, we were able to get up to decent cruising speeds between 14 and 16 knots running up the Jersey coast.  Our trip time was about 10 hours, average cruise speed 12 knots, and fuel burn about 180 gallons.

Passing Atlantic City around 9:30 AM.

Entered NY Channel to Verrazano bridge 3:05.

Passing bridge ...

NYC skylines ...


Finally, SANTORINI passed the Statue of Liberty, and arrived at Liberty Landing Marina at 4:30 PM, looking a tad salty but none-the-less like another graceful lady.