Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Top of the Bay

April 30 & May 1:  We spent our first two nights at Worton Creek where we were greeted at the dock with cheerful line handling by our friend Harvey and saw first hand where his boat MAKAI is hauled out for the off season.  Handy Harvey does almost all of his own meticulous maintenance.   In lieu of a tip for helping us into the dock, Harvey accepted bourbon and an invite to dinner.

May 2:  We traveled the short distance (25 NM) to Chesapeake City on the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal (connecting the two Bays).  The town provides a very nice free dock, subject to availability. 

A Canadian couple that arrived just before us assisted us with line handling.  Their boat transom indicated Nova Scotia but it turns out they now live in Kingston, ON.  We will be traveling the same route until they reach their homeport. 

At the end of a fairly lazy afternoon, an additional boat came in to join us at the dock ... one of the many fun things about cruising is you never know who will turn up.  It was our sister ship, HIGH NOON, another Campbell Custom Yacht  domiciled in Connecticut.  She was built five years before our Campbell and has a fly bridge. 

Back in the day, circa 1982 this was the restaurant in Chesapeake City that Karl and Donna visited on ESCAPE, Karl's 20' bow rider that he kept in Elkton, MD.  

NOW, here is the same restaurant as seen from our slip at night.

As we tuck in and say "good night", this is as far north as we have cruised by boat in the past.  Tomorrow begins traveling new waters for SANTORINI.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful pic. I've been to Dock Side many times and had no idea you and Karl used to dock there.
