Friday, June 2, 2017

Moving on UP ...

... the Hudson River.

May 29:  We spent a wonderful week of sight-seeing the region by car and we decided to cap-off our visit with dinner at Le Canard Enchaine in Kingston NY.  It is an elegant French bistro, one of the finest that we have dined at since our favorite Le Bec-Fin, a Philadelphia 5-star restaurant.

A couple of weeks ago, after we transited the Chesapeake Bay and coast of New Jersey, some of you asked to see a "map" of our planned cruise of the "Down East Circle Loop", so here are a couple:. 

Our next short hop is to New Baltimore NY and the Shady Harbor Marina where we will do, hopefully, a short layover to diagnose our ongoing engine issue ... its nothing dangerous, just annoying, especially after we installed about a $1000 worth of parts that were shipped to us.

May 30:  We arrive at Shady Harbor Marina around 3:00 PM and immediately greeted with a nasty Hudson River squall; hail, heavy rain thunder, lightning, and 40 knot winds ... we got drenched handling our lines and fenders, and about 20 minutes later the storm passed and we slogged up to the marina office to check-in and settled-up.  Ironically, after the squall we were also privy to a beautiful, but short-lived rainbow that seem to initiate from our vessel and extended across the Hudson river.  Not enough time to get the photo-op.

May 31:  Yeaaa ... sunshine and warm weather, but a Work Day.  After coffee, we spent a couple hours doing engine work and trying to figure out what the heck we missed when doing our repair work, our oil leak persisted, so back to the drawing board and internet research.  After a bit, Karl got curious decided to explore some engine work completed by mechanic just weeks before we left home ... BINGO!

Remember those stories about hospital patients complaining to their doctors that "somethings wrong" after a reportedly successful surgery, only to discover later that foreign objects or surgical devices were left in their body ... well guess what!  The last mechanic who worked on our boat left a small rag stuffed in an air intake hose causing our oil pressure issue ... check this out.  So, I guess that Rainbow brought us some Luck after all, and everything will be back to normal ... plus Karl has another new career to fall back on, Engine Mechanic


  1. I want the name of your mechanic. just in case I need help with our boat, I'll know who not to call. Wait a minute, I can call Karl!

  2. Same thing happened to me in Michigan when Lynne was born!! Sure caused some nasty issues for me too!! Good to know it's all sorted out for you and you can look ahead to smooth motoring!
