Monday, August 7, 2017

Lake Champlain: Pelots Bay, North Hero Island & Long Point State Park, Tredwell Bay

One benefit of changing course has been spending time on Lake Champlain.  We are both very taken by the beautiful clear water, ringed by forest and the Adirondack Mountains of New York on one side and the Green Mountains of Vermont on the other.  We have crossed paths again with four other cruising couples we met earlier in the trip – all have changed plans from our first meeting.  The weather continues to be changeable.  Even on the days the forecast shows zero percent chance of rain, we can’t count out a short downpour.  Some days we can see rain on the New York side of the Lake and it is clear on the Vermont side. 

After leaving the marina at Rouses Point, we took a slow cruise to anchor in Pelots Bay.  The Bay was larger and more expansive than we had envisioned, enough to hold 100 boats or more.

You've read about sitings of the Loch Ness Monster.  I think we found "Champ" in Pelots Bay.  We were awakened in the morning by a very strange sound passing our boat!  Here's the video ...

Next we moved to an anchorage on Treadwell Bay at Long Point State Park.  We took the dinghy over to the park dock and walked some of the trails through the woods to the Point and then down to the beach on the far side.  Although the anchorage appears very expansive in the photos below, it was really much more intimate than Pelots Bay. 

We have run into very few Americans on the water, everyone on this part of the Lake seems to be from Montreal!     

Long Point State Park:

We found a sister ship, her name is MYKINOS, from Montreal
Long Point anchorage: port view
Long Point: starboard view

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