Sunday, June 25, 2017

Ilion NY

June 17:  We arrive under the neon lights of Ilion NY.  The village was formerly named Remington NY until 1952 when the town determined a need for a US Post Office, however, in order to do so the village had to incorporate; but, the Remington Arms company would not permit the use of its name, ergo Ilion, and now home of the Remington Arms Company.   
The marina is small and municipally owned; kind of a hybrid public park, RV park, and marina.  The town is rustic, populace under 8000, and the “factory”, Remington Arms, reportedly employs 1000 people.  We had heard from a couple of fellow cruisers that the Remington Museum is within the factory, and worth the visit.  There are no tours of the factory, and the museum tour is self-guided.  It wasn’t until we arrived at the museum that we had forgotten Remington was more than a guns and ammo manufacturer … they also made typewriters, bicycles, knives, cutlery, sewing machines, cash registers and pre-fabricated steel bridges ... who knew!  Here are some images:

1 comment:

  1. I think I remember Remington typewriters back in high school! Enjoying your posts and pictures. Are you through the canal system yet? How's Clio doing on the journey?
