Saturday, June 17, 2017

On the road to Little Falls NY

June 10:  We leave Waterford, reluctantly.  It seemed as though we got absorbed by the environs, but needed to "weigh anchor" or stay there; or maybe it was staring at that daunting Lock Door #2 for a week and wondering "what adventures lie ahead for SANTORINI"? It seemed like a bittersweet departure, but we called the Lock Master and asked him to open the door and let our passage begin "up the Waterford flight".  We were the only vessel to leave at that time, so we will do the Flight (locks) solo! 

Miss Clio reviewing Mommy's pre-trip and itinerary

It was a wonderful cruise up the Mohawk River, and locking-thru the "flight" was without drama or trauma.  Seeing how Nature, the glaciers, carved out the river was just amazing. 

We completed 6 locks after our departure from Waterford and found a quiet anchorage on a small carved out creek in Scotia NY about 1 mile east of Lock #8 and spent the night.    

June 11:  We leave our peaceful anchorage and continue our journey. We arrived in Amsterdam NY and decided to spend the afternoon and evening at Riverlink Park, a public marina operated by the City.  It is a charming marina in an expansive park setting, including a restaurant and a stunning pedestrain bridge over the river.  Soon after our arrival we helped another pair of cruisers, Sue and Rich, tie-up their boat at the marina.  It was their first journey away from their home cruising port on Lake Champlain on their Ranger Tug 27 named HILANDRA (after their two daughters). 

June 12:   After a leisurely morning coffee, we're off to Canajoharie NY, where Rich and Sue said the city has public floating docks and power outlets for we "Loopers."  These are views of our approach to Lock #12. 

Approaching Lock #12 ... need to climb about 20' up and over the waterfall

Inside and rising in Lock 12, and view of adjacent waterfall
Boater's Nightmare: Dead Heads ... navigational hazards for all vessels.  Saw lots of them in the Hudson, but not quite like these logs we passed in the Mohawk River

June 13:  It was a long hot and steamy night in Canajoharie NY.  The floating docks that we expected to find on our arrival were gone.  We discovered that they had been removed because the river was too high, so we and other boaters had to tie up to the town wall that is normally used by waiting tugs and barges.  Our planned 9:00 AM departure was delayed almost 2 hours because Lock #14 detained passage of recreational vessels for several tugs and barges that had priority.   As a result our flotilla increased in size from just two vessels, to several, with SANTORINI leading the procession.

Finally, we have company! 

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