Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Still in Waterford…

June 6:   When we arrived last Friday on a beautiful afternoon we were planning on a Monday departure, but poor weather decided otherwise. Fortunately, before the heavy rain on Sunday afternoon, were we able to enjoy patronizing the waterfront Farmer’s Market.  The rain continued off and on, mostly ON, and is pouring as we write this on Tuesday afternoon.  

During a brief lull we walked across the bridge to Peebles Island State Park that was once host to the world’s largest textile manufacturer Cluett, Peabody & Company, a "collared-shirt" factory, and home of Arrow Shirts and Collars until closing in 1972 (see images).   Also, while walking to the state park we found another map and took this photograph depicting the route we will travel to Canada.

Weather forecasts indicate it will stop raining overnight and sunshine is the rule tomorrow and Thursday; however, the Erie locks #8 through #20 are CLOSED due to “high current”.  Although we can still transit the Waterford Flight, we will have nowhere to go from there until they reopen the rest of the locks, so Waterford is our port until we receive the OPEN notice from NY State Canal Systems "Notice to Mariners." 

There was a small island in the Mohawk River, across from our boat, upon our arrival to Waterford.  Here's a picture after the rain ... it has disappeared and trees look like they are growing out of the water.   Also, since we are a dozen boats unable to continue our journey until perhaps Friday, everyone is getting together in the little park here for a potluck supper tomorrow evening.  Donna is making her famous Black Bean salad for the gang, and Karl is bringing cigars for the guys ... and gals too!

Stay tuned!
Departing Waterford, via Erie Canal Lock #2

SALLY, the Canal Mule

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